Southern Ontario Orchid Society Meeting

Today I went to the Southern Ontario Orchid Society’s meeting which was also at the Toronto Botanical Gardens (where I will be again next Sunday (probably) for another Gesneriad meeting and again in two weeks for the SOOS Show).

I’ve never been to one of their meetings before so I didn’t know quite what to expect (well, other than the fact that it followed the basic format for every other meeting by any other society I’ve ever been to). First thing was that it was held in the Floral Room. The big one.

Some random Catt. – Picture taken at SOOS Show last year.

There were probably 80-100 people there including a significant number of volunteers and commercial vendors. My mom suggested that the sales tables might not be so exciting because the show is in only two weeks. Well, I can’t compare to a normal month but there were 12 tables full of orchids (for the most part) in bloom or blooming size right. Common plants like Phals and Paphs were well represented. Catts were pretty well represented by a grower who seemed to specialize though their plants where not in bloom. I scored an awesome seat beside a vendor with Cymbidiums and Oncidiums. Including an Onc. Sharry Baby in bloom with a spike at least 2 feet long in full bloom. Wow. I still couldn’t say what it smells like but being able to sit beside one for two and a half hours is a very nice experience. There was also a vendor with Dendrochilums and another with Masdevallia and another with stunning Vandas. Really good selection of a huge range of plants.

I think this is Phal. Jiaho Pink Girl ‘Lucky Girl’ BM/JGP – Picture taken at least year’s SOOS Show. I’ve seen this for sale as a NOID a few times since – nice fairly small flowers on multiple branched spikes. I will buy this one someday.

There was another vendor with a few more unusual plants… and needless to say I will not be having a problem with a Neofinetia collection if they all run at $65. Sure it was a healthy looking plant with 3-4 fans of short leaves but they were green leaves. And white flowers. And really not the most exciting thing (out of bloom). Hopefully a younger specimen of the larger form will cost less, otherwise it may not be an issue at all because I really don’t think I’ll be spending $65 on an orchid any time soon.

Their show table had 10-12 entries which they held up for the crowd and talked about the plant, growing conditions, medium and so on for each plant which was really useful.

Pretty good meeting and if I go again I’ll need to get there sooner to have more time to look at the vendor tables.

About Andrew

Plant lover living in Toronto, Canada where I grow a wide range of plants in a very small space.
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