Foliage Followup, February 2011

My first Foliage Followup a year after my first Bloom Day. We’ve been having some warmer temperatures (I was outside shooting these in flip-flops and a T-shirt – jumping the gun a little bit but I lived) and I can finally see some of the things that have been covered by snow for so long.

This planter was actually in a terrible place – the past few weeks have seen water dripping off the roof and freezing right overtop of the plants. I was slightly more worried about the container than the plants but everything seems to have come through the winter ok. The cold has really brought out some nice colours on these as well.

Jovibarba sobolifera

Jovibarba hirta 'Hedgehog'

Closer to the house these succulents have made it though without problems, even the poor little guy on the right who never even made it out of him pot. Strangely enough the Opuntia looks better than the one I have in the ground usually does in the spring. Hopefully I can straighten it up before summer gets going, not sure how I feel about it as a hanging plant.

Mixed Succulents

And on the other side of the step there’s a pot of Catnip just waiting to get growing for the summer.

Nepeta cataria - Catnip

Unlike the Capnip it’s the tips of this Artemisia abrotanum that do best over the winter, they’ll all get snipped off and maybe potted up in the spring when I cut it back or it can get to be a rather ugly plant. The tips root easily enough though which is nice because sometimes these things just need to be restarted to look good.

Artemisia abrotanum

About Andrew

Plant lover living in Toronto, Canada where I grow a wide range of plants in a very small space.
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4 Responses to Foliage Followup, February 2011

  1. RBell says:

    That first picture is amazing – that’s gotta be one tough plant! And a beauty to boot.

  2. Pam/Digging says:

    My catmint is ready to pounce too. It’s nice to find tough succulents that can take some winter. I can’t believe you were out taking pics amid the ice in your flip flops, but thanks for joining in.

  3. I love you first image and you are so right, the color is wonderful.

  4. Nat says:

    Holy frozen semps! You have a great eye for photography. I know the days, dead of winter, totally undressed for the occasion, camera in hand. Spring can’t come soon enough! 🙂

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