Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – October 2010

A few more things still flowering outside this fall Bloom Day. This may be the last outdoor Bloom Day until next March, but that will depend entirely on the weather. If it’s like last year I may still have some plants flowering in mid-November but we’ve already had a few light frosts. We’ll have to see how that goes though.

But this month… There’s quite a bit that’s still going. Sure there’s a lot the same as I had flowering in September but it’s still nice to have this much still going in the garden.

Chelone obliqua
My Pink Turtlehead (Chelone obliqua) is still going strong. I’d never even noticed the way it branches and flowers lower on the stems. I wouldn’t have noticed either but I was chopping it back to make room for my Rhododendron. By the time the main flower stalk has finished though so have most of the side shoots. I think it’s more “Oh that’s interesting” than anything practical. The flowers are actually kind of ugly strange. There’s not that much else that’s as reliable for fall flowers though and the leaves are actually a very nice dark glossy green.

Purple Pansy
This little Pansy seedling has popped up on my patio and (other than being eaten by earwigs) is doing well. Of particular note is that this seedling is identical to its parent. I need to try to collect some seeds from it for next spring.

Morning Glory
This volunteer Morning Glory comes from my neighbours yard and is growing through and around my Honeysuckle. The Honeysuckle’s still flowering with lots of buds to open, and I know there’s at least one open today (I can smell it) but couldn’t see it for a picture today. It’s nice though because by the time this has started to flower the Honeysuckle is mostly finished with only the odd bloom here and there.

Red Rose with Miscanthus 'Little Kitten'
And because I love it so much here’s my Red Rose again, this time with the seeds of my Miscanthus ‘Little Kitten’ – the smallest Miscanthus I’ve ever heard of.

Also still flowering in my garden but not pictured is my Toadlily (Tricyrtis hirta ‘Tojen’, Sedum ‘Lynda Windsor’, there’s one or two flowers on both my Clematis ‘Rebecca’ and my Hall’s Honeysuckle and just missing Bloom Day are my Mystery Aloe (x Haworthia?) and Echeveria, both of which have moved inside the house for the winter. Plenty of African Violets and the like too, but maybe we’ll be looking at more of those next month?

About Andrew

Plant lover living in Toronto, Canada where I grow a wide range of plants in a very small space.
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5 Responses to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – October 2010

  1. Lovely flowers! I really love the morning glory…tough little buggers!

  2. Pretty pink turtlehead. You have some lovely blooms.

  3. Thanks for sharing your garden blooms today. Wonderful.

  4. Darla says:

    Looks like Grandpa Ott's Morning Glory,nice!

  5. Nickie says:

    LOL too funny- I have that very same pansy growing in a patio crack as well!

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