Snowdrops & More

I went for a walk today to break in my new work shoes. Ouch. I should have been doing that a while ago but with only a days notice for starting… Well, three band-aids on my right heel, 2 on my left. It will be a fun day hauling cinder blocks around.

Well anyway on my walk I decided to have a look at a tree I’ve seen from the car and always wanted to find out what it is. I was right:

Abies concolor – probably subsp. concolor

I’ve got a bit of an evergreen crush on Abies concolor subsp. concolor. But not even close to the space to put one. And I tend to overcrowd. But not with trees, shrubs or evergreens. That way leads to hideous permanent pruning mistakes.

I also noticed this patch of Snowdrops in front of a Euonymus.

Galanthus nivalis

The pairing with the white variegated leaves might work well but unfortunately the white of the Snowdrops just makes the Euonymus look drab. They would probably work better against a very dark green background like you might get from a Yew (Taxus sp.).

I’ll likely get some snowdrops this fall and I’ve got a few places in mind where the snow melts fast in spring.

About Andrew

Plant lover living in Toronto, Canada where I grow a wide range of plants in a very small space.
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2 Responses to Snowdrops & More

  1. I didn't get Galanthus in the fall for some reason. I think I thought they looked to drab in comparison to, say, Crocus or Scilla siberica. I clearly thought wrong. In addition to Galanthus, I want copious amounts of random Iris reticulata, because they're gorgeous.By the way, if you wear two pairs of socks or calf-length socks folded down to double-layer over your heels, you can help prevent blister formation. The theory, I think, is that the sock fabric rubs up against itself instead of up against your skin. It has worked for me when I go on hikes or try to break in new shoes, and I've been told there are special socks designed for runners that basically already contain two layers of cloth to mimic that practice. That way, you can break in your shoes without them breaking in you!

  2. Andrew says:

    They may be a little on the plain side… but they're so early! I think they're attractive though with a very clean look and they can go with any colour or look maybe even better on their own en masse.I don't have that much space though so instead I think I'll go for Snowdrops, a dark Iris reticulata, and maybe a soft yellow crocus. Standard Daffodils can come later after everyone else is finished. That's the plant and it just might not change by tomorrow! We'll see what happens in the fall.Good tip with the socks. I will try that tomorrow. Thankfully I spent much of today on a forklift so it wasn't as bad as I'd been worried.

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