African Violet pictures

Spring feels as far away as ever now that we actually have some snow and while it’s warm out it certainly looks like winter from where I’m sitting. Ok, until it started to rain anyway… Little is going on inside other than the usual.

Speaking of the usual here are some nice African Violet pictures for you.

Saintpaulia 'Champion Thriller'
Saintpaulia ‘Champion Thriller’ – On one plant this has single, semi-double and double flowers. Interesting. Thrilling, even.

Saintpaulia NOID 0007
Saintpaulia “NOID 0007” – I’ll be using names like “NOID 0007” instead of just NOID so I can keep individual plants consistently labeled. You can ignore these names if you want.

I’m going to have to do up a post on African Violets I would grow for their leaves alone soon. I think after I document the plants on the plant stand I’ll have pictures for that. That should be soon I hope, maybe Monday.

Other plant events to come:

The first new pitcher on either of my Nepenthes since I got it (yup, it’s that tiny one in that picture) is about to open (The good news? It’s bigger than the older one – which I’m pretty sure is a good sign). I also collected a bunch of “rainwater” (melted snow) yesterday and today to use for them (I live in a townhouse and I don’t have a downspout on my property – boo).

My Haworthia flower spike is developing so fast. I don’t know when it will actually flower but it gets noticeably larger each day. I’m too used to orchids which can take months to do anything so this progress is a big deal.

About Andrew

Plant lover living in Toronto, Canada where I grow a wide range of plants in a very small space.
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