New Streptocarpus

My mom bought me a Streptocarpus ‘Ink Blot’ on Sunday – very small plant with only 3 leaves and not close to flowering I’d expect, not for a while anyway but so excited! I love finding something online, that elusive (by that I mean not common – won’t ever find it in a grocery store, rare in a store that knows their plants) species or cultivar that’s just amazing and then actually getting that plant. Hopefully recent success with Streptocarpus will stay with us long enough for this plant to take off.

I will have a few interesting pictures coming up of other gesneriads in flower (it just happens that that is the largest family of plants represented in my house at the moment) including something I’ve never seen that promises to be strange and unusual.

I also have another batch of November colour pictures from work and took a trip to the Toronto Zoo on Saturday from which I’ve got a few more pictures of Grasses and whatnot.

About Andrew

Plant lover living in Toronto, Canada where I grow a wide range of plants in a very small space.
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1 Response to New Streptocarpus

  1. Oh, man… At the Gesneriad Society plant show & sale, this was one of the ones on sale, but they had all been sold by the time I got there (of course!).I will try again next year–the flowers are ridonk!

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