Some flowers that missed Bloom Day

These are both first time flowerers for me and even though I’ve got a pretty good idea what they’ll look like they’ll still be nice to see. I’m sure I won’t be disapointed, both are beautiful even just in bud and regardless, I bought both of these plants for their leaves. The flowers are a nice bonus I hope to see soon! (You can see both (including leaves) in earlier stages of bud development here – The Aloe has been coming along much faster than the Graptoveria.)

Echeveria buds
These are the soon to open buds of a Graptoveria The whole things a frosted pink colour and the orange-pink of the buds looks like it’ll be a nice touch.

Aloe Hybrid Buds
For the record that’s approximately my favourite colour in a flower. Not too different from the colour of the Graptoveria on the lowest buds. I don’t think the colour will spread to the tips so the effect of the open bloom may not quite live up to expectations but time will tell. Time will also tell if similarities to my Haworthia buds will carry through to the flowers.

In other news I’m planning a trip to Lee Valley Tools – one of my favourite stores but slightly out of the way. I needed wanted to pick up a few things but it’s always worth getting everything you need in one trip so you don’t have to go as often.

Looking around for a few things on their site (do they have these? I haven’t seen them on their site, will ask in store – sounds like a perfect solution to my problem) I stumbled on a Self-Watering Patio Garden that looks exactly like one Mr. Brown Thumb reviewed. It’s slightly more expensive than I might have wanted to pay but I may get one anyway. I had a really bad time with Tomatoes splitting and would really love not to have to deal with that next year. With the size of the container I could put two Tomato plants (all I usually grow) and all my herbs and in it and save space too which is huge when you’re trying to fit as many plants as I am in as small a space as I have. Reviews I’ve read are strongly positive as well.

About Andrew

Plant lover living in Toronto, Canada where I grow a wide range of plants in a very small space.
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3 Responses to Some flowers that missed Bloom Day

  1. …You have a scan-code thingummybob. I used my new fancy phone on it.That was fun! It's like a game! And your feed does read easily on it.Also, I wish my Aloe were flowering. The "Grassy Lassie" was in bloom when I bought it, about a dozen spikes on the plant, but the inflorescences of course withered away once I brought the thing home. They looked a bit darker than the closed buds you have. Maybe it'll bloom in a bit–it's almost time for it, I think!

  2. Andrew says:

    I am a big fan of scan-code thingummybobs. I get excited whenever I see them in ads and scan them whether I care about the product or not.I Googled "Grassy Lassie" and it looks like it can be a very showy Aloe when it's flowering. I think mine has more pink in the colour and is definitely lighter than that one as well.

  3. Evelyn says:

    HI AndrewI love succulent buds – they are so stiff and different from others. The Echeveria in the first pic is looking great.Thanks for the name of the flower on my blog. I think it is a Chinese Astibe!ps. I love containers will reservoirs for veges.

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