Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – September 2010

Lots flowering again this month. Many earlier flowering plants are repeating, and all of my fall flowering plants are going. And some have never really stopped.

Actaea (Cimicifuga) simplex 'James Compton'
Actaea (Cimicifuga) simplex ‘James Compton’ is one of my favourite plants. It is matched on the other side of the yard by the equally lovely ‘Hillside Black Beauty’. It is rare for either of these to flower before September making them a real fall flowering plant. The buds start to form in mid summer so there’s a lot of expectations on these once they open. A. simplex is faintly fragrant with a sweet candy like scent. Do not try to smell A. racemosa though!

Tricyrtis 'Tojen'
Tricyrtis ‘Tojen’ is another star of the fall shade garden. I had a picture of the flower a million times better last month but this better shows the massive number of flowers this can get. At each axle the plant will produce a branched flower stalk with between 10-15 buds, which open over an extended period. It starts in August but will not stop flowering until snow. This year as well there were no lily beetles to ruin the look so it’ll be looking its best all fall.

Lonicera japonica 'Halliana'
Lonicera japonica ‘Halliana’ is repeating in its corner. Apparently with a little more light it would be more of a continuous bloomer, which would be nice, but I’ll take what I can get. My Clematis ‘Rebecca’ is reblooming as well. It was hit hard by the unprecedented heat waves of this summer and does not look too good in pictures right now!

Persicaria affinis
Persicaria affinis started flowering in May and has not stopped. There’s a better picture in the link but this shows the effect later in the season as the older flowers have darkened to a nice pink colour with more white flowers opening constantly.

My Bougainvillea is also still flowering well with little sign of stopping.

My NOID Red Rose. I can’t say enough good things about this plant.

There’s even more flowering inside but I imagine that soon enough I’ll be posting those exclusively so for now enjoy the late season garden.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you liked seeing some of what I have flowering this month. And as always head over to May Dreams Gardens to see what’s flowering for other Garden Bloggers.

About Andrew

Plant lover living in Toronto, Canada where I grow a wide range of plants in a very small space.
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5 Responses to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – September 2010

  1. Love those fall bloomers! I really want a cimicifuga, but have to get over the fact that they are slow growers, they are so beautiful! I have to say, this year I'm loving persicarias…what amazing plants! Your Toad Lily is gorgeous, it's surprising you don't see them more often in gardens.

  2. Andrew says:

    I've had 'James Compton' for 6 years now and have a grand total of… 3 Shoots! (9 ish flower spikes thanks to the way they branch). Granted I did move it once. 'Hillside Black Beauty' has given me the same number of shoots after only 1 year. Both would probably appreciate a slightly richer and moister soil than I'm giving them and possibly a little bit more light (though they do have enough light to produce dark leaves so maybe it's more the dry conditions slowing them down).

  3. Hi Andrew. Clicking from May Dreams Gardens today. You garden is looking mighty good. But when isn't Bougainvillea a show stopper.

  4. noel says:

    aloha andrewi'm enjoying touring your garden with you today, i'm really enjoying my visit. the individual photo studies really present each of your plants so nicely, well done

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