Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, July 2010

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day! Short and Sweet, lots of pictures not so many words.

Apparently July is a month for hot pink!

Achillea cv. (Yarrow)
Achillea cv. (Yarrow) is tolerated because I’m not allowed to get rid of it. I just wish it didn’t flop so much.

Floribunda Rose 'Sexy Rexy'
Floribunda Rose ‘Sexy Rexy’ is not quite hot pink, it’s fairly hard to describe really but I think the picture captures it well. Lots of depth to the colour.

Alcea rosea 'Fiesta Time'
Alcea rosea ‘Fiesta Time’ is only passing through my yard. I have no space and this will live in my sister’s yard until I might be able to get a seedling of my own from it.

And because there’s more to the garden than pink here are a few extras:

Agastache 'Black Adder'
Agastache ‘Black Adder’ – I think I might prefer ‘Blue Fortune’ but I’ve only just moved this to a place it should be happier so I’ll reserve judgment on it.

Hydrangea 'Kyushu'
Hydrangea ‘Snow Mountain’ is putting on a good show in my front yard as a standard.

Cherry Tomato
This is an orange cherry Tomato I’m growing this year.

About Andrew

Plant lover living in Toronto, Canada where I grow a wide range of plants in a very small space.
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5 Responses to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, July 2010

  1. LC says:

    What fun I'm having this evening… so far everyone's site I've visited has wonderful photos! The rose is great! Larry

  2. Hi Andrew, just found your blog through Blotanical and I'm so happy to see someone else with the stunning Kyushu!! Yours is far ahead of mine though, at this rate I may not have blooms til September! You have beautiful blooms in your garden. I just scrolled though some of your old posts, be patient with Carpatica 'white clips', they take some time to get going but after 3-5 years you will have a 12-18 inch ball covered in blooms. Always nice to visit other Canadian gardeners. 🙂

  3. I have had my eye on that Sexy Rexy rose debating whether to get one. Since seeing yours it will go on mt never ending list. It is a beauty.

  4. Carol says:

    Hmmm… I don't have much pink in my garden. Lots of yellows and purples, though. Thanks for joining in for bloom day!

  5. Andrew says:

    Thanks everyone for stopping by.Rebecca – I didn't expect to see as much from my Hydrangea until later in the summer either but many of my late flowering plants are much further along than I'd expect – I have Bugbane, Turtleheads and Toadlilies all in bud as well right now!I've been fairly impressed with 'Sexy Rexy' though mine got set back badly over the winter and needs a few more years to really get going I think. I don't have it in the best spot.Carol – I wouldn't have expected to have as much pink as I have, and really I'm a little surprised I don't have more yellow!

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