Euphorbia myrsinites flowering & Hosta ‘June’

This opened a few days ago.

It’s actually the only thing that bridges the flower gap between Daffodils and Dwarf Iris.

Euphorbia myrsinites
Euphorbia myrsinites

The blues and yellows play off beautifully with my Hosta ‘June’ while the sharp texture of the Euphorbia is a nice contrast to the larger leaves of the Hosta.

Hosta 'June'
Hosta ‘June’

Consider this a bonus post for the previous wall of text. I have my computer hooked up to my mom’s monitor/keyboard/mouse/speakers etc. and it’s working well enough right now (I did clean it out a little while it was on the move and that may have helped). I’m going to try to get lots of pictures taken and cleaned up while at the same time backing up a lot of files onto an external drive. I have all day off tomorrow (last day off on a weekend probably until mid to late June) so I should be able to get a lot done. It sounds like it’ll be a really nice day so we’ll see…

About Andrew

Plant lover living in Toronto, Canada where I grow a wide range of plants in a very small space.
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