Haworthia flowers

The buds on my Haworthia limifolia var. limifolia opened on the 19th – the same day my cat decided to bite the developing bloom stalk. It had reached 14″ tall at that point. It finished opening the first flower in water and had its first flower fully open that night.

I’ll be keeping it as a cut flower to see how it does. you may see another picture you may not – you can blame the cat if you don’t.

Haworthia limifolia flowers

Haworthia limifolia flower closeup
Haworthia limifolia var. limifolia flowers

The divisions continue to do well. The main plant and the babies spent some time outside while it was warm. I miss those days and look forward to their return. The current 14 day trend tells me that won’t be soon. The thing about a 14 day forecast is that it will change, hopefully for the better.

About Andrew

Plant lover living in Toronto, Canada where I grow a wide range of plants in a very small space.
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8 Responses to Haworthia flowers

  1. Aerelonian says:

    Our temperatures are dropping too. It's a bit of a tease. At least it's spring (I think technically yesterday)!

  2. On the plus side, that photo may be the prettiest it's possible for a Haworthia flower to look, so congratulations.

  3. ryan says:

    I have a haworthia that just opened, too, H. pymaea. I really like them. No cat has bitten it so far, keep the fingers crossed on that one.

  4. …that flower almost looks like the Predator.

  5. Andrew says:

    Turns out they open maybe two a day and close soon after, moving gradually up the stem. It is still blooming and doing well even though it's a cut flower now.

  6. Simon says:

    My Limifolia has about 30 in long stem, but its a bit crooked, almost in a spiral way. It has had about 40 buds, 5 are currently blooming, and there are at least 20 more buds on the way.

    This is my first Haworthia (I think I have had it for about 5 years now, but it was already quite grown when I bought it) and I didn’t know that this plant can bloom, so this was quite a surprise when I noticed the beginning of it’s growing. You can imagine that I can hardly wait for its offsprings (all propagated out of its rhizomes) to do this kind of magic too.

    I do have a question regarding the cutting of the stem after blooming is ended. I read on GardenWeb.com website (hxxp://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/load/cacti/msg0818300722838.html) that »baby« plants could grow at the cut point of the stem, if you’re lucky. Has this happened to your Limifolias? If so, what I want to know is, after all the buds will have bloomed, where exactly should I cut the stem so that the new »baby« will be born? 10 cm above the »mother« plant? After what time does it start to grow? Can you perhaps advise me of a good reading material about this plant? Also, what triggers the growing of the stem??

    At the end I must say that these are really the best photos of Limifolia on the net! I have a couple of them on my facebook. Perhaps I’ll upload it to flickr too.

    Cheers! Simon from Slovenia

    • Andrew says:


      I think most parts of the plant can probably turn into new plants but generally I just remove the stem completely once flowering had finished. I do have a spike developing now so I’ll give that a try. Certainly wouldn’t be much different than many Orchids producing a keiki on an old bloom stalk, though Haworthias are far easy to reproduce from all methods than Orchids, or even other succulents like some Agaves which will produce hundreds of pups along the flower spike. Unfortunately I have no first hand advise to give you on this but definitely above at least one of the finished flowers. Not sure how many you can expect them to develop on, but I’d think fewer would be better so it isn’t dividing energy into too many offsets.

      I’d love to see pictures of yours with the new plants on the flower stalk if you can get some to develop.

    • Andrew says:

      Here’s a link to where Mr. Subjunctive had this happen on a Gasterworthia. It doesn’t look like he had cut the flower stalk at all on his, but still only has plantlets developing on the lowest nodes.

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