Paphiopedilum NOID

NOID paphiopedilum
Paph. NOID

This was basically my first orchid (though there were some around the house before that I didn’t pay much attention to) that I must have gotten around four years ago this spring and the first orchid I ever re-bloomed.

It may be in bud now but I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up – these things are extremely slow to come into flower though the flowers last for a very long time once they are flowering. I recall two years ago it was in bud in April (probably before that though I was away at school) and still in flower in early June, though getting towards the end of the flower’s life.

Even without the flowers (which are a fairly typical shape for a Paph. in a fantastic dark purple) this would be worth growing for the leaves, something that puts this Phal. fairly high up on my list of favourite houseplants.

About Andrew

Plant lover living in Toronto, Canada where I grow a wide range of plants in a very small space.
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