New Orchid – Doritaenopsis Sogo Tris ‘MP0890′

Today was absolutely horrible with the strong winds so I spent as much time as possible in the greenhouse selling people houseplants and the like even though it’s not really my department. Saw three new boxes of Phals being unpacked and headed over and was actually surprised to see this. Doritaenopsis is an intergenic hybrid of Doritis and Phalaenopsis and is pretty well the first time we’ve gotten something at work I’ve really gotten excited about. Just look at this thing! First thing I noticed were the strange yellow spikes in the middle of the petals, the flowering is upside-down compared to most Phals (the opening bud further along the stem suggests that this may just be a fluke), the tips on the top petal look like little fangs and then of course there’s the pattern in the petals. I grabbed this things right away and now I can say I own one of the coolest orchids I have ever seen.

Dtps. Sogo Tris 'MP0890'
Dtps. Sogo Tris ‘MP0890’

Clicking the picture will bring it up large on my Flickr.

About Andrew

Plant lover living in Toronto, Canada where I grow a wide range of plants in a very small space.
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2 Responses to New Orchid – Doritaenopsis Sogo Tris ‘MP0890′

  1. That is odd. As far as I can remember, it's also the first intergeneric cross I've seen with Phalaenopsis. Really don't know how I feel about this.

  2. Andrew says:

    The next flower opening seems to at least be right side up so it'll be interesting to see in the long run what this plant ends up doing.Apparently almost all Doritaenopsis look very similar to regular Phals though very often smaller though not always and also apparenly very often tagged as Phals (if tagged at all). In the two trays of these mini "Phals" there was a mix of true Phals and Dtps and other than the plant pictured above I couldn't see any major differences between the two.This one stood out partly because of those strange yellow tabs and partly because it was upside-down.

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